Wednesday, September 25, 2013


On a side note...I came across this photograph during an internet search. How amazingly awesome is this photograph! For all of you out there with a fear of clowns, this one is for you. Sleep tight...  

Monday, September 23, 2013


"If Chuck Palahniuk’s tropes have grown weary and Stephen King isn’t quite up to par these days, sit down with Goodbye Nothing and stare a little evil in the face today." 

Go see the four-star REVIEW over at Nerdophiles!

Friday, July 26, 2013


The BBF is packing up today. I just wanted to thank the organizer of this shindig author Kayla Curry. Thanks to all of the authors who kindly answered all of my odd movie questions (hey, what movie monster would you make out with?) and to the ones that hosted me in their personal spaces. And last but not least, you guys. Yeah, you. No, not you. Thanks for visiting. It makes me feel all warm and gooey inside. 

Here's a recap, in case you're feeling nostalgic: 


Thursday, July 25, 2013


Okay, you guys ready? Let's kick off Day 4 of the 2013 Blogger Book Fair with the author of Creep, Cole Knightly!

Here's the preview: Freddy cutouts need love too, eventual gore, cool Sidney Prescott, and the big-boobed ditz. 

1. Who is your favorite horror or science fiction movie heroine?

Horror would have to be Sidney Prescott from the Scream series. For science fiction, it would have to be Ellen Ripley from the Alien series. I do have to say, though, that Alice from the Resident Evil series is also pretty high up there for me, too. (Would that be horror or Sci Fi?)

2. What is your favorite line in a horror or science fiction movie?

“I want to play a game.” Saw. Chilling.

3. Let’s talk gore. How much do you use, buckets full or thimbles full, and why?

Well, I love gore and don’t mind it, but I don’t tend to use a lot of it. I’m still fairly new to writing in this genre (though I’ve always been a reader and watcher since childhood), so I’m sure it’ll happen eventually.

4. If you were thrown into a horror movie and you had to fully experience the entire movie as one of the good guys (and possibly a victim), which movie would you choose, and why?  

Ooh, this one’s hard. I would probably choose Battle Royale. On the other hand, if I could choose a horror video game instead, I’d choose Corpse Party or Silent Hill.

5. What’s your most hated formulaic move of horror movie victims?

Ugh, I hate the slutty, big-boobed ditz who runs around half-naked or topless. She tends to be the one who screams more than anyone else and often trips while fleeing from the killer. It’s just so annoying.

6. If you could (had to) make out with any horror movie monster (serial killers included), which would it be and why?

Freddy Krueger. When I was really young, I’m talking like four or five years old, I would run up to Freddy cutouts and hug them. I can only imagine the looks on other people’s faces, but he was my favourite monster, and I’d totally make out with him. Hehehe.

7. Do you think horror in literature has the same impact as horror in film?

Unfortunately, no. And it’s so very sad because I wish that it did. I’m not sure if it’s because jump scares just don’t translate in literature or what it is. I’ve yet to find a book that creeps me out enough to be afraid of the dark, but I can list off several movies pretty easily. I’m still looking for the book that messes with me, though.

8. Tell us about the most violent movie you’ve ever seen. How old were you, and did you enjoy it?

I think the Saw movies were the most violent, but I was watching Nightmare on Elm Street when I was an infant. While not the goriest movie I’ve ever seen, I was pretty much raised on horror movies.

9. If you found yourself in a horror movie and got to choose your weapon not knowing who or what you were up against, what weapon would you choose?

Is very powerful magic out of the question? Haha, if it had to be a real weapon, I suppose a tank would be a good bet. Though it wouldn’t help me against anything supernatural.

10. As a horror writer, do you find that you’re wary of strangers?

I don’t think that’s because I’m a horror writer necessarily, but I suppose it could contribute.

Okay, in one word describe your latest release, and toss us that Amazon link already!

Creepy! Haha, it’s called Creep, so I should it could be described that way, right?

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Going on over at Happy Tails and Tales blog is the Theme Song Event. The idea was to match a song to a scene in your book. I put "Stayin' Alive" by the Bee Gees to Seven's escape from the hospital. The song is actually playing on the truck's radio. You can go vote and check out the classic "Stayin' Alive" music video. Styling.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Okay, you guys ready? Let's kick off Day 3 of the 2013 Blogger Book Fair with the author of Gifted, a Donovan Circus and Witch Hearts, Liz Long!

Down to it. 

1. Who is your favorite horror or science fiction movie heroine?

I don’t watch a lot of horror, but since I just recently watched Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters I have to say I love Gemma Arteron. The film was bloody and creepy, but she was pretty awesome as a kickass witch hunter who could hold her own in any fight or conversation. 

2. Let’s talk gore. How much do you use, buckets full or thimbles full, and why?

In my newest book Witch Hearts I’d say it’s several buckets. (Maybe just 3 or 4 buckets in my fantasy circus book Gifted.) A serial killer is hunting witches and the body count ticks up as the book moves forward.

3. If you were thrown into a horror movie and you had to fully experience the entire movie as one of the good guys (and possibly a victim), which movie would you choose, and why? 

I like to think I’m feisty, so I’d probably choose a movie like Scream where there’s a slim chance I could get away (as opposed to vampires or murderers under your bed). 

4. What’s your most hated formulaic movie of horror move victims?

Oh god, I hate the girl who runs up the stairs. I know it’s been said a million times, but the girl who runs up the stairs will always get pitched from a balcony or stabbed in her closet. At least try to bash out a window on the first floor!

5. If you could (had to) make out with any horror movie monster (serial killers included), which would it be and why?

Ummm, I don’t know that many monsters or serial killers, but I’d still make out with Billy (Skeet Ulrich) from the first Scream movie J

6. Do you think horror in literature has the same impact as horror in film?

No and I’m a key example of why: I can read horror all day long, but I prefer not to watch it because of the gory stuff. Reading about blood doesn’t really faze me, but seeing it makes my hands slap over my eyes. 

7. Tell us about the most violent movie you’ve ever seen. How old were you, and did you enjoy it?

Um, any Quentin Tarantino film? Pulp Fiction was honestly a little life changing as far as learning to avert my eyes from the screen due to all the blood. I was 18 and when they shoved that giant needle in Uma Thurman’s chest, I curled into a ball and tried not to weep in fear.

8. If you found yourself in a horror movie and got to choose your weapon not knowing who or what you were up against, what weapon would you choose?

Maybe a sledgehammer if I could pick it up and swing it. I’d rather crush a kneecap than stab someone, but if it was too much weight for me, I’d probably go with the biggest kitchen knife I can find. (If this is fantasy horror, I totally choose a wand or the speed to RUN AWAY!!)

9. As a horror writer, do you find that you’re wary of strangers?

Oh my god, yes. I’ve always been very aware of my surroundings, especially alone/at night, but after writing Witch Hearts and coming up with a creepy villain, I’m suspicious of anyone I don’t know. 

Okay, in one word describe your latest release, and toss us that Amazon link already!


Author Links:
Twitter: (Handle: @LizCLong)!/LizCLong

Monday, July 22, 2013


Check out my interview over at Trip the Eclipse. Let's talk about the creepiest nice person, sofa horror, and insane asylum mishaps. 


Okay, you guys ready? Let's kick off Day 2 of the 2013 BBF with the author of What Kills Me, Wynne Channing!

Here's the preview: All work no play, Gizmo hugs, possible Pinhead tongue action, and tomato soup blood. 

Down to it.  

1. Who is your favorite horror or science fiction movie heroine?

Carrie White. Flawed. Emotionally scarred. Deadly. 

2. What is your favorite line in a horror or science fiction movie?

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

3. Let’s talk gore. How much do you use, buckets full or thimbles full, and why?

Bring on the buckets! And in the second novel of my series, I Am Forever, there's even more blood and guts because the heroine is just so powerful that she can't help herself.

4. If you were thrown into a horror movie and you had to fully experience the entire movie as one of the good guys (and possibly a victim), which movie would you choose, and why?

Gremlins. I want to hug my own Gizmo. (I promise not to feed it or get it wet!!!)

5. What’s your most hated formulaic move of horror movie victims?

The "whore."

6. If you could (had to) make out with any horror movie monster (serial killers included), which would it be and why?

Colin Farrell. Fright Night remake. Uh, 'cause it's Colin Farrell. (And what are my other options? Hellraiser? The girl from The Ring?)

7. Do you think horror in literature has the same impact as horror in film?

Definitely. Horror literature creeps into your mind and it stays there, fed by your own imagination and paranoia. I grew up reading horror novels. It messed me up for life.

8. Tell us about the most violent movie you’ve ever seen. How old were you, and did you enjoy it?

One of the most gory movies that I saw in my youth was Dead Alive. The main character runs around killing zombies with a lawnmower. Grossest thing ever. The blood was like tomato soup!

9. If you found yourself in a horror movie and got to choose your weapon not knowing who or what you were up against, what weapon would you choose?

Flame thrower. I've always wanted to wield a flame thrower.

10. As a horror writer, do you find that you’re wary of strangers?

As a former crime reporter, I'm wary of strangers. Whenever I get off the elevator, I walk in the opposite direction in case anyone is following me. And I always check behind me before I open my front door.

Okay, in one word describe your latest release, and toss us that Amazon link already! 

                                 Connect with Wynne

Amazon US | Amazon UK | B&N | Kobo | iTunes | Goodreads


Here's my schedule for the BBF! It will help you navigate through all of the goings-on here at Dying To Write and at some of the other blogs:

And to help you through the maze of 200 plus BBF authors and bloggers:


Okay, you guys ready? Let's kick off the first day of the 2013 BBF with the author of A Prescription For Delirium, Noree Cosper!

Here's the preview: Ripley love, people are psychotic, Dracula make-out session, and Debbie's bug arms.

Down to it.  

1. Who is your favorite horror or science fiction movie heroine?

I would have to say I’m a big fan of Ripley from Aliens. That’s Sci/Fi and Horror at the same time. But honestly, Ripley is one of strongest heroines in horror movies that I know of.

2. What is your favorite line in a horror or science fiction movie?

Ripley: “Get away from her, you bitch!”

3. Let’s talk gore. How much do you use, buckets full or thimbles full, and why?

I’m more a moderate gore fan. I think there should be some gore, but I find that movies that go overboard tend to be lacking in other areas. I like scary movies that make me think.

4. If you were thrown into a horror movie and you had to fully experience the entire movie as one of the good guys (and possibly a victim), which movie would you choose, and why?

Scream because it’s just people, as psychotic as they are, they can be killed by guns or other weapons.

5. What’s your most hated formulaic move of horror movie victims?

When the women run up the stairs.

6.  If you could (had to) make out with any horror movie monster (serial killers included), which would it be and why?

I would have to say Dracula. He just has that sexy aura.

7. Do you think horror in literature has the same impact as horror in film?

I think horror in literature is more cerebral whereas a lot of horror movies are more cheap scare/gore tactics.

8. Tell us about the most violent movie you’ve ever seen. How old were you, and did you enjoy it?

I don’t remember the most violent. The movie that always sticks in my mind is Nightmare on Elm Street 4. I remember watching it from the hallway when I was eight because I wasn’t supposed to be. It was the scene where Debbie’s arms break off and she grows bug arms. It was pretty gross. Of course, the Halloween movies are pretty violent. Michael Myers has a high body count.

9. If you found yourself in a horror movie and got to choose your weapon not knowing who or what you were up against, what weapon would you choose?

A machete. Most creatures die by losing their head.

10. As a horror writer, do you find that you’re wary of strangers?

A little, yeah. Maybe it’s just I don’t like people. But I’m paranoid enough I never update my location to Facebook or to any social network. I don’t want crazy people coming to try and kill me in my sleep.

Okay, toss us that Amazon link already! 

       A Prescription for Delirium is FREE during the BBF! Get         your copy here:
                             Amazon (US) | Amazon (UK)

Connect with Noree

                   Facebook | Twitter | Amazon | Goodreads

Sunday, July 21, 2013


Here's my schedule so far for the 2013 BBF. Below are events going on right here on Dying To Write and events that I'm participating in on other blogs. It all starts tomorrow. Have fun and don't die. 


1. Goodbye Nothing Cover Reveal (right here)
2. Goodbye Nothing Pre-Release Excerpt (
3. Goodbye Nothing ARC Giveaway (right here)
4. BBF Authors Talk Horror Movies and More: Noree Cosper  (right here)


1. Beck Sherman Interview (
2. Goodbye Nothing ARC Giveaway (right here)
3. BBF Authors Talk Horror Movies and More: Wynne Channing (right here)
4. The World's Greatest Story Event (


1. Goodbye Nothing ARC Giveaway (right here)
2. BBF Authors Talk Horror Movies and More: Liz Long (right here) 


1. Goodbye Nothing Pre-Release Excerpt (
2. Goodbye Nothing ARC Giveaway (right here)
3. BBF Authors Talk Horror Movies and More: Cole Knightly (right here)


1. Goodbye Nothing ARC Giveaway Final Hours (right here)

Saturday, July 20, 2013


The BBF starts on Monday and I have lots of treats in store for you! I'm running interviews with four excellent horror/dark fantasy writers over the next week. Plus (drum roll, please) the cover reveal for my second book, a new adult horror thriller called Goodbye Nothing, will be right here on Monday, so stop by to check it out. 

Never-before-released excerpts from Goodbye Nothing are going to be floating around the BBF. And enter to win an ARC e-copy of my new book, out September 3rd. Read it before anyone else. Except my grandmother - sorry, she called first dibs. 

With over 250 authors and bloggers participating this year, it's the biggest BBF yet, so lots of prizes and events and fun going on! Be there or be not there and be sad.    

Thursday, May 30, 2013


Damn if I didn't like this movie a whole lot. I found The Violent Kind, directed by The Butcher Brothers, on On Demand. Had never heard of it but thought why the hell not? That's never stopped me before, and I liked the title. Right off, I noticed the movie being very "coolified," which I'm a sucker for - when it's done right. It's quite the slippery slope. Rodriguez and Tarantino have it down to a fine art. Guy Ritchie comes to mind too. Others have tried but failed.

The movie almost did lose me at the beginning. It second opens with a cheesy, graphic sex scene, and I think, Okay so this is your draw card. It says, "This is a movie for MEN. MEN, are you watching this? Oh yeah!" But when a movie does that right off the bat, I start to worry that that's all it's got. But the acting was pretty good, the stylizing had me, and I found myself needing to see where it was going. 

The Violent Kind, for me, was reminiscent of From Dusk Till Dawn, again with the style, also with the biker element, and with the fact that it took a bit of time for the movie to get into its horror/sci-fi aspect. Knowing that it was a horror movie but also knowing next to nothing about the plot had me on the edge of my seat waiting to see where the "scary" would come in to play. Similar to FDTD, the first part of the movie was nothing like the second half, although FDTD did have two directors with Tarantino directing the first half and Rodriguez getting the fun half with the vampires. You start to think, "How the hell is this going to turn around?" 

Given that not knowing anything about the plot was a lot of what made the movie for me, I'm going to leave the plot entirely out of this review. Just know that the main "villain" played by Joe Egender had me at hello, the Butcher Brothers are a directing team to watch, and the ending was a bit lame (and the actress not good enough in her craft for that closeup) but didn't kill the delightful strangeness of this movie. 


Wednesday, April 10, 2013


This is the first installment of my horror movie review series, First Five Minutes. The deal is: I could only stand to watch the first five minutes, give or take, of these movies. So, they are not full reviews, and hell, some of these could be the best damn movies ever, after the first five minutes. If so, tell me. I'm aces at fast-forwarding. But you have to provide your residential address too, so I can haunt your life if you're wrong. First up, Silent Night (2012)

So, they went and did it again. Made a remake of a B horror movie from the eighties. Can't they just leave my lovable, furry B movies alone? They're never going to get it right. Now, I can't actually remember if I saw the original Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984), but I must have, right? The video cover image was always so enticing: Santa's arm coming out of a snowy chimney, big shiny ax in hand. 

Love it. But this cult classic may have eluded me for some reason...perhaps I was resistant to letting go of the Santa Claus I knew and loved? 

The remake stars Jaime King, who has become a bit of a horror movie queen, (check out my Mother's Day Movie Review) but I daresay she's heading down the wrong path with this one. Silent Night opens with a screaming woman in lingerie, cut to electrocuted guy in tree lights, throw in a couple pervy Santas (and a priest), a painfully overacting Malcolm McDowell, odd crime-scene music ( I watching Murder She Wrote?), nooooooooooooooo, stop!!! The wood chipper was pretty cool, though. Isn't it always? That scene's a bit further in, if you can stand it.  

I like Jaime King. And the movie-poster art for this one is actually pretty decent, too. Otherwise, I suggest digging up the original to watch, which is what I'm going to do. Or better yet, how about reenacting the original? I'll bring the popcorn and the plastic tarps, but I can't promise I'll stay for more than five minutes.  

Disclaimer: Is there a chance that some of the film grievances mentioned are throwbacks to the original? Yes, but I did read that this is a "loose" remake, so unlikely. But I'll let you know. Or, you can let me know.   


Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Okay, here's the Evil Dead remake trailer - the gory Redband version. I was verrrryyyy annoyed but not too surprised upon hearing they were taking another hack at it. The original is perfection, a classic. Why mess with a classic? Because there's big money to be made, of course. I do appreciate that it's not PG-13 and rumor has it that the movie was originally NC-17. Me likey! Due out in April. What'cha think? No Bruce Campbell, no way! Or, a twist on my all time favorite movie, yes please!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


The Last Bully by Beck Sherman

Lightning flashed. For one brief second, everything was illuminated. And my life was never the same.

Because I’d seen them.

We stood facing each other, a strange dance of stillness. They hated me, for in that one brief bright second, they saw the repulsion in my eyes, and they only ever wanted to fit in. The geeks, the nerds, the outcasts, the bullied - some of them were very different after all, not even of this world - and here they were before me, human skins shed, ready to move on.

The storm flashed again, lighting up the sixties facade of Garrick High. Inside, hallways down which bullies once roamed were now where they slid and stuck and stank as blood and viscera. In the end, could one kind word have saved them?  

The Geeks moved forward. Toward me. As one. I blinked and they were only inches away. Their breath was a gale on my face. It smelled sweet. Sticks and stones made cracking noises as they dislodged from the frozen ground around us and flew up into the night sky. No time was wasted before they were directed at me. The pain was excruciating. Unlike anything I had ever experienced. My life had once been lucky. Lots of friends. Nice car. Football-star boyfriend. Ten thousand followers on Twitter. The opportunity to partake in the taunt of a geek to make myself feel better on gloomy days. Bullying was like a drug, and we all wanted more.

And more.

Now everything that mattered was gone, and I was being broken limb by limb - like a marionette being retired. A stone hit my head, knocking me to the ground. Others dented me, bruised me, cut me. My spilled blood made designs on the surface of the snow. A squirrel. A dog. A bear. It was over, and it was all my fault.

“Sorry,” I managed, through broken teeth and ripped mouth.

The whoosh of air from that last stick is the song in my sleep. 
Today, I’m alive, but dead. People cross the street when they see me coming. I tell myself they want to give me space, that they’re being kind, but I know that’s not it. My new skin is my over-sized hoodie. The sweatshirt shows none of me, hides all of me. That’s just the way it is now. 
I am the last bully. 


This was written for a flash fiction challenge as part of Blogger Book Fair 2013 and first appeared on Thomas Winship's blog here:

All pieces had to begin with the first sentence: Lightning flashed. For one brief second, everything was illuminated. And my life was never the same.

I wasn't able to get that sentence out of my head and when I put fingers to keys this dark story spilled out.  

Saturday, February 9, 2013


Okay, you guys ready? Let's kick off the 4th day of BBF with an interview with horror writer, Jason Andrew Bond. 

Here's the preview: Leatherface, Chainsaw art, sectioned bits, and a message to couch potatoes. Enjoy.

"Hi, Jason!"


"Down to it."

1. What’s your favorite scary movie?

 Alien.  The first one was the best one.  The tension and discovery of the creature as the story progresses is so great.

2. Do you own a chainsaw? Do you know how to use it?

I grew up in the mountains in Oregon.  While I don't have one right now, I could probably carve a bear out of a log with some trial and error.  :)

3. If you had to kill someone, how would you do it, and where would you bury the body?

The secret to getting away with murder is the lack of physical evidence. Crimes of anger, etc spray evidence everywhere. Be calm is the first step. Collect the person (who obviously deserved it for doing some horrible wrong and sliding through a corrupt/weak/ineffective system) and get them to go calmly along with you. After the act the body should be sectioned into small bits that can each be fully encased in concrete. (Note this should be done in a location that cannot be traced to you or the victim (who deserved it don't forget). Once the bits are encased they should be taken out into the ocean and dropped off the continental shelf.  No body... EVER.  :)

4. If you could meet one fictional horror character (from a book or movie), who would it be and why? What would you ask them?

I'd want to ask the giant spider from Stephen King's It why he had to ruin a perfectly good novel.  :)

5. You’re driving through a forest at night. A woman leaps out through the trees and frantically waves her arms for you to stop the car. She’s covered in blood. Do you stop?

No, I slow down, grab her and pull her onto my lap and tear off into the night.  Why the hell do people get out of their car, stop see if everyone's okay?  Let's have a conversation!  Meanwhile the girl is screaming and yelling that we have to run.  I have news for you.  A girl covered in blood tells me to run, I'm gonna be OUT OF THERE.  NOW!  :)

6. What are you most scared of? And you lose a limb if you say clowns, spiders, or heights.

Dying without having truly lived.  Get up off the couch folks.  You only have so many heartbeats left.

7. I had a British woman say to me once that she thinks it best to stay away from horror writers because there must be something wrong with them. Weigh in.

It's all about catharsis.  Yes, horror writers are twisted, but they are getting out the problem through writing.  Don't fear those exorcising their demons, fear those who are keeping them bottled up.

8. Favorite death in a horror movie?

Oh man, Texas Chainsaw when we first see Leatherface.  That's how death would be, quick.  Bam Thump! and you're gone and dragged into the back.  I don't like dragged out fight scenes.  There's not a lot of tension in fight scenes.  We're just waiting to see who wins.  The tension is what happens before the axe falls.

9. Have you ever hitchhiked? If yes, who picked you up?

No, but I sure as hell wouldn't give 'em my zip code if you know what I mean. :P  Anyone?  ... Hello?  :)

10. What’s your latest release? Describe it in one word, and give us that Amazon link already!

Mortal Remains.  One word: Ascent.  

Buy it on Amazon: 

Thank you, Jason, for stopping by!

ONLY 1 DAY LEFT... win that stake! And your  free e-copy of Revamp! Come vampire apocalypse, you'll be prepared.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, February 8, 2013


Okay, you guys ready? Let's kick off the 3rd day of BBF with an interview with horror writer, Will Millar. 

Here's the preview: Hedge trimmers, electronic-toothbrush orgasms, Han Solo, and eyeball gouging. Enjoy.

"Hi, Will!"


"Down to it."

1. What’s your favorite scary movie?

That’s a hard one to answer, and it varies greatly, depending on my mood. Today I’d say Suspiria, but I might have a different answer tomorrow. 

2. Do you own a chainsaw? Do you know how to use it?

No, but I own an electric hedge trimmer. It looks sort of like a chainsaw if you squint your eyes a little, stand really far back and try to ignore the bright orange extension cord. When you turn it on it makes this really high pitched humming sound that probably isn’t going to instill terror in anybody, either.

3. If you had to kill someone, how would you do it, and where would you bury the body?

It depends on the person – Do they deserve to die? I’d probably get pretty squeamish about the deal unless they were a truly terrible person, like a despot or a pop music producer. Then, if that was the case, I’d have to go with my patented semi-automatic laser guided porcupine cannon. As for burying the body, you can’t go wrong with a “purloined letter” approach. Buy one of those life sized Han Solo Carbonite slabs, hollow the sucker out, stuff your dead body in there and then display it proudly on your front lawn.

4. If you could meet one fictional horror character (from a book or movie), who would it be and why? What would you ask them?

I’d ask Dawn O’Keefe if she ever had an orgasm from an electronic toothbrush.

5. You’re driving through a forest at night. A woman leaps out through the trees and frantically waves her arms for you to stop the car. She’s covered in blood. Do you stop?

It’s okay to do one of those sliding roll-stops. People screw up when they get out of the car and say something dumb like “My God! Are you alright? What happened?” That’s how you get your head cut off. Just pop the passenger door open long enough for her to hop in and then hammer the gas like a motherfucker. And whatever you do, never say “Everything is going to be okay now.” Or even worse, “You’re safe.”

6. What are you most scared of? And you lose a limb if you say clowns, spiders, or heights.

I’m afraid of randomly losing limbs during interviews.

7. I had a British woman say to me once that she thinks it best to stay away from horror writers because there must be something wrong with them. Weigh in.

It sounds to me like she was trying to flirt with you. 

8. Favorite death in a horror movie?

Lucio Fulci’s done a couple of beauts. The eyeball gouging scene in Zombie is pretty gut-wrenching.

9. Have you ever hitchhiked? If yes, who picked you up?

I used to hitchhike all the time when I was younger. When I was in the Marine Corps, I could always count on catching a ride from the airport in Raleigh Durham to Camp Lejeune that way, and never had an issue. That being said, it’s not the sort of thing I would condone my kids doing, but that goes for a lot of the stuff I’ve done.

10. What’s your latest release? Describe it in one word, and give us that Amazon link already! 

My latest release is called Infernal Machines. If I have to describe it in one word, I’ll say “Firecracker.” 

Buy it on Amazon:

Thank you, Will, for stopping by! 

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Get your vampire stake here and win 1 of 3 e-copies of Revamp, as Blogger Book Fair 2013 continues...

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Okay, you guys ready? Let's kick off the 2nd day of BBF with an interview with horror writer, Brandon R. Luffman. 

Here's the preview: Ash from The Evil Dead, farm murders, damsels in distress, squashed bread, and late apologies. Enjoy.

"Hi, Brandon!"


"Down to it."

1. What’s your favorite scary movie?

The Amityville Horror scared the crap outta me when I was a kid. But, my favorite is probably Nightbreed.

2. Do you own a chainsaw? Do you know how to use it?

 I don’t own one, but I have access to several and do know how to use them. Need someone to cut some “firewood” for you?

3. If you had to kill someone, how would you do it, and where would you bury the body?

 That would be telling! Let’s just say, living on a farm presents interesting opportunities.

4. If you could meet one fictional horror character (from a book or movie), who would it be and why? What would you ask them?

 Definitely Ash, from The Evil Dead and Army of Darkness. He’s just too cool for school. No idea what I would ask him though. Maybe ask how he got so damn cool?

5. You’re driving through a forest at night. A woman leaps out through the trees and frantically waves her arms for you to stop the car. She’s covered in blood. Do you stop?

 Yeah, I’d stop. I’m a sucker for a damsel in distress. What an idiot, right?

6. What are you most scared of? And you lose a limb if you say clowns, spiders, or heights.

 But, I AM scared of heights! That, and hornets and wasps, and big dogs.

7. I had a British woman say to me once that she thinks it best to stay away from horror writers because there must be something wrong with them. Weigh in.

 I think what separates horror writers from the rest of the world is our willingness to be honest about fear. We embrace that part of humanity and even play with it like a sick toy. We’re not ashamed of fear, we work with it the way a lion tamer works with a lion.

8. Favorite death in a horror movie?

Not sure if this counts, but the horse in The Cell has my vote. How cool was that?!

9. Have you ever hitchhiked? If yes, who picked you up?

Never hitchhiked, but some friends and I were given a lift once by a friendly stranger on his way to work. Never got his name, but have felt bad ever since about accidentally squashing a loaf of bread he had in the back seat. Weird what we hang up on sometimes. Maybe I should have told him and apologized, but I was a dumb kid at the time.

10. What’s your latest release? Describe it in one word, and give us that Amazon link already! 

My latest release is a short story entitled “The Card”. In one word: PULP!
Buy it on Amazon:

In addition to that, I soon hope to release “Frostwalker” – FINALLY! Info on that is available here:

Thank you, Brandon, for stopping by!